Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen Book 2

Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen Book 2

● ポイント 218pt

商品詳細ページ/サイドバナー 電子
990 税込

出版社 コルク

発行形態 コミック

最新刊発売日 2019年05月30日


The story is set in Paris, France in the beginning of 20th century.
A prostitute, Colette, attends on perverted gentlemen in a brothel at an obscure corner in the magnificent city every night.
Her only salvation is Leon, a gigolo, who comes sometimes. She has not been able to leave him, who whispers words of love and asks for money.
However, Colette's heart is disturbed by Leon, who has recently disappeared. She decides to write a story of “desires” in a notebook, which is a gift from one of her clients, to face herself...

● ポイント 218pt

商品詳細ページ/サイドバナー 電子
990 税込


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990 税込